Video Commentary-Justice:What’s the right thing to do?

The video is definitely something to think about. When the subject of murder is brought up, most cultures would define it as inherently morally wrong.  For the most part, I agree. Murder is murder no matter what the circumstance.

Yet the same society’s that condemn murder, allow it under certain circumstances, and I guess this is where the ethical dilemma lies. The video used the primary example of : killing one person to save the lives of five. I do not believe that any one life is worth more than another or that any human being should be able to make that kind of decision. Yet, that decision is made every day. Especially in the case of transplants. A younger person is more likely to get a vital organ while an elderly person will not even make the transplant list.  The theory being that the younger person has more to offer, they have only just begun to live. But, how can we play God and determine that this person will be a contributor to society. It seems like  a pretty big “what if”.  As for the elderly person that was denied the organ, this person might be a priest on his way to saving many and making a positive impact on the world, or a scientist only months away from curing a disease.

This brings me to the second example in the video: The Case for Cannibalism

If I had been on the jury, I would have found the captain guilty. While I understand that there were exigent circumstances, and that the cabin boy may have died regardless.  I can not agree with the captain’s decision. Yes, the other crew members may have had families at home, but because the cabin boy did not we assume his life is worth less.  Again, I do not believe human beings should be able to determine the value of another human being’s life. I think this case is reminiscent of when the US had to draft soldiers for war. It was the young men that were sent first because they did not have families and financial responsibilities back in the states.  On paper, that is logical, just s is saving five men as opposed to one.  However, I am not sure I personally believe it to be ethical. As my core belief is that no one can play God or decide which life is more important. Better to let fate take its course. Sadly the reality is human beings are not passive, they need to control the situation. Whether that be changing the direction of the train car or choosing to execute the cabin boy.